Rebekka Christina Baumann​

Rebekka Christina Baumann was born and lived in São Paulo, Brazil. From an early age, she had an interest in the emotional realm of the human heart.

She studied 12 years at the Waldorf School, in São Paulo. She graduated in Psychology at OSEC (SP) and in Anthroposophical Art Therapy at Centro Paulus, in São Paulo.

She participated in courses in the field of Psychology at the University of Zurich and at the C.G.Jung Institute, where she worked in psychiatry for a year and a half as a member of the Psychiatric Nursing staff of a private clinic focusing on the C.G.Jung approach.

She was associated with a spiritual / emotional practice in the USA, where she learned and practiced the teachings that served as the basis of her work. She was in Europe, in 2002, giving introductory seminars on emotional healing and providing individual and group facilitation.

She created her own form of Emotional Art based in part on the teachings in the USA and practiced Emotional Coaching in companies in Germany, linked to this form of emotional healing. She gave introductory seminars as part of the curriculum at an Institute in Switzerland.

She lived in Frankfurt, where she worked, as an emotional Facilitator, until 2008.

After that period she lived in Ashland, OR (USA), until January 2010, working and giving lectures within a different form of energy body work.

Quando veio visitar o Brasil em Fevereiro de 2010, desenvolveu um trabalho introdutório em São Paulo, despertando grande interesse.
Mudou-se para Florianópolis em Outubro de 2010, onde introduziu seu trabalho.

Ministrou cursos em São Paulo e Florianópolis de cura emocional e realizou atendimentos individuais de trabalho emocional e energético.
Atualmente vive em Botucatu, onde realiza cursos e atendimentos individuais e de grupos para aqueles que se interessam pelo seu trabalho emocional.

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