The emotional humanized healing work takes place to the extent that the gradual deconstruction of strategies occurs, even strategies considered socially acceptable or even healthy; so that we can access naked and raw emotions that are hidden under these strategies in our unconscious.

The attachment to situations, people, jobs, or anything, does not make us feel what is behind this attachment, making us dependent.

When we are willing not to attach, cling, we make room to feel what is behind the attachment because the problem is not in what we cling to, but in why we cling and what emotional need we want to supply with these clinging.

Through emotional humanized healing it will be possible to have experiences of how attachment is not the problem but it is only the means by which we try to resolve an emotional issue much deeper within our unconscious, our nonverbal emotional body.

A voice, a non-verbal emotion, that screams to be felt, nurtured, and healed at the hidden base underneath of our strategies and consequently attachments. This voice, a deep not felt emotion, needs, and can now be accessed and nurtured emotionally.

Emotional humanized healing is a profound transformation, simultaneously spiritual, energetic, physical, and especially emotional, which takes place through a gradual, homeopathic, dosed process, using the emotion itself to heal the not felt emotion.

Our emotional body is the most human and spiritual, it is the body that most permeates all other bodies.

When we are felt, in such a way that we feel felt also in the contents of our childhood, we can begin to rescue our childhood.

And it is this transformation that will determine our adult life by deeply supporting our maturity and emotional health.

Who we think we are is just a very strategic version of ourselves, which will never satisfy the realization of our true dreams in an authentic and real way. Through this distorted view, we will also have false versions of what we believe to be our dreams, which are only partially realized.

As we recover our childhood, a profound transformation and healing can take place, making us land in this world in an increasingly human, authentic, alive, incarnated, real, and a mature way.

So a person is not what he has already done or has acquired, not even for his good intentions and behaviors. It is much more what feels authentic truthfully, and from that to itself, experiencing itself with itself and, consequently, with others secondarily.

What we are, revealed authentically in this transformation, being deeply felt, it´s what we will be, it´s what we will have as a living experience of ourselves, as experiencing our own life, beating through our hearts truly in real love.

Rebekka Christina Baumann
